

Who Can Serve on a CEC?

Nine (9) parents of students in grades Kindergarten through Eighth grade who currently attend a school under the jurisdiction of the community school district in which the parents wish to serve on the CEC.

  • Of the nine parent member positions on the CEC, at least one position must be filled by an IEP parent, and at least one position must be filled by an ELL parent. The remaining seven positions may be filled by any eligible parent.

Who Can Serve on the CCSE?

Nine (9) parents of students with an IEP who currently receive special education services that are provided by and/or paid for by the Department of Education.

Who Can Serve on the CCHS?

Ten (10) parents (two from each borough) of students who currently attend a public high school in the borough that the parent represents. 

Who Can Serve on the District 75 Council?

Nine (9) parents of students currently receiving citywide special education services in a District 75 school.

Who Can Serve on the CCELL?

Nine (9) parents who currently have a student in a bilingual or ESL program (“ELL students”). 

Who Cannot Serve on these Councils?

  • Persons holding elective public office or elective or appointed party positions (except delegate or alternative delegate to a national, state, judicial, or other party convention, or member of a county committee)
  • Current DOE employees
  • Persons who have been convicted of a felony
  • Persons who have been convicted of any crime that is directly related to their service on an Education Council, Community School Board, PA/PTA, School Leadership Team (SLT), District Presidents’ Council, Borough High School Council,or Title I Committee
  • Persons who have been removed from an Education Council, Community School Board, PA/PTA, SLT, District Presidents’ Council, Borough High School Council, or Title I Committee for an act of malfeasance that is directly related to their service on such council, board, association, team or committee
  • Persons who are serving on another CEC, the CCHS, CCELL, CCSE or the D75 Council
  • Members of the Panel for Education Policy
  • Persons who have a conflict of interest, as determined by the DOE Ethics Officer or another designee of the Chancellor based on the Conflicts of Interest Law of the City of New York

When is eligibility determined?

  • Eligibility is determined as of the date that the parent submits an application to run for a position on an education council.