Citywide Council On English Language Learners (CCELL)

What does the CCELL do?

  • Advises and comments on educational or instructional policies involving students in bilingual or English as a second language programs.
  • Issues an annual report on the effectiveness of the city district in providing services to students in bilingual or English as a second language programs.
  • Holds at least one meeting per month open to the public during which the public may discuss issues facing students in bilingual or English as a second language programs

How many members serve on the CCELL?

  • Nine (9) parents who currently have a student in a bilingual or ESL program (“ELL students”);
  • Two (2) individuals appointed by the Public Advocate who have experience and/or knowledge in the education of English language learners; and
  • One (1) non-voting high school senior receiving English Language Learner services.

When is eligibility determined?

Eligibility is determined as of the date that the parent submits an application to run for a position on the CCELL.

How and when can I apply to serve on the CCELL?

During the 2013 Selection Process, you can apply to serve on the CCELL HERE (on or after February 13, 2013). The application process ends at 11:59 pm on March 27th. For those lacking access to a personal computer, the Division of Family and Community Engagement (FACE) will provide information regarding how individuals may access computers at FACE’s office, in local district offices and schools, and at public libraries.