Education Councils

What is a Community Education Council?

Community Education Councils (CECs) are education policy advisory bodies responsible for reviewing and evaluating schools’ instructional programs, approving zoning lines, and advising the Chancellor. CECs play an essential role in shaping education policies for the New York City public schools. Each CEC consists of nine elected parent volunteers who provide hands-on leadership and support for their community's public schools, two residents and/or local business leaders appointed by the borough president, and one non-voting high school senior who lives in the district. Council members hold meetings at least every month with the superintendent and public at-large to discuss the current state of the schools in the district.

How many CECs are there?

There are 32 CECs in New York City. Each CEC covers a Community School District representing current K-8 students in the district.

What is a Citywide Education Council?

Citywide Education Councils are education policy advisory bodies that represent the interests of high school students (the Citywide Council on High Schools), English Language Learners (the Citywide Council on English Language Learners), and special education students (the Citywide Council on Special Education and the District 75 Council). These Councils are responsible for advising and commenting on educational policies that involve the student communities represented by the Councils, issuing an annual report on the effectiveness of the city district in providing services to the represented student communities, and holding at least one meeting per month open to the public during which the public may discuss issues facing the represented student communities.

How many Citywide Councils are there?

There are four Citywide Education Councils. These are the Citywide Council on High Schools (CCHS), the Citywide Council on English Language Learners (CCELL), the Citywide Council on Special Education (CCSE) and the District 75 Council (D75 Council).